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Campus Unit Administrator Guide

Constituent Data,
Gift and Fund Management,
Stewarding Donors
| 5 minutes to read
Last Updated: 11-01-2021


The Campus Unit Administrator’s Guide is a step-by-step resource on how to set up and manage users from the administrator’s unit for access to the ABE CRM and/or the Gift and Fund Management website. There are sections on how to add a new user, how to make changes to a user’s access and how to delete a user.

Key Takeaways

The Campus Unit Administrator Guide provides information on how to:

  • Request that an employee in your unit be given access to the ABE CRM and/or the Gift & Fund Management (GFM) website.
  • Request that access to the ABE CRM and/or the GFM website for an employee in your unit be changed.
  • Request that access to the ABE CRM and/or the GFM website for an employee in your unit be deleted.
  • Each section contains details instructions and screen shots on how to fill out the online request forms.